Plastic Moulding Techniques

The Task
"To gain a better understanding of several plastic production techniques and how the end product may differ from the initial CAD model."
A simple plastic product was designed in Solidworks, as per injection moulding guidelines.
From the CAD model, an engineering drawing containing key dimensions was created.
To be able to measure differences in the end product, 3 production methods were utilised:
3D Printing,
"Hard Tool” – Green foam replica using a CNC router,
Vacuum Casting – Using the 3D printed part.
Measurements were then taken from the CAD model and compared to the 3D printed part, vacuum cast part and hard tool to the review process differences, advantages and limitations.
Skills Used and Gained
Design for plastics;
Solid modelling;
Engineering drawing;
Plastic flow plug-in;
Mould tool;
3D printing;
Vacuum casting;
CNC router;